January 2020 Agenda

6:00  1.     Welcome/Call to order

1.1 Land Acknowledgement
1.2 Quorum
1.3 Roundtable introductions

6:15  2. Consent agenda matters*

2.1     Previous Minutes
2.2 Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonazlez
  • Katelyn Ling (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward/Sarah Carten (SP staff)

2.3 Working Group Updates

  • Food Cultivation & UbAg
  • Development/Retail
  • Food Waste
  • Children & Youth
  • Leadership Team
  • Community Food Prog.
  • CFC Canada

6:55 3. Matters requiring discussion*

3.1 Report back on outstanding fall work

    • VCPC meeting
    • Blue Community draft Motion
    • November GCAP

7:20  BREAK

3.2 Work plan updates

  • Population of joint work plan and Jan 13 Council of Councils meeting

3.3 Planning for 2020

  • Upcoming meeting schedule
  • Common Definitions
  • Education sessions
  • Events

8:30  4. Adjourn  Meeting

November 2019 agenda

1.    Welcome/Call to order

6:00 1.1 Land Acknowledgement
6:00 1.2 Quorum
6:05 1.3 Roundtable introductions

2.    Consent agenda matters*
6:15 2.1     Previous Minutes

  • October 2018
  • October 2019

6:20 2.2 Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonazlez
  • Katelyn Ling (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward/Sarah Carten (SP staff)

6:35 2.3 Working Group Updates

  • Food Cultivation & UbAg
  • Development/Retail
  • Food Waste
  • Children & Youth
  • Leadership Team
  • Community Food Prog. [NEW]

3.    Matters requiring discussion*
6:50 3.1 Vancouver City Planning Commission May 2020 summit meeting: The Vancouver We Want, The City We Need. (Nov 12)

7:00 3.2 Greenest City Action Plan

  • Update on preliminary ideas & results of engagement
  • Collect draft actions:

Brainstorm actions & priorities

  • Broadway Plan (retail)

7:45 3.2 Greenest City Action Plan

  • cont.

8:20 3.3 Other Business

  • Staff presentation: Current land-use & zoning.
  • Dec Meeting: Spencer Lindsay, Staff on Reaching out to Host Nations

8:30 4. Adjourn  Meeting



October 2019 agenda

Time    Agenda item
1. Welcome/Call to Order
6:00      1.1 Land Acknowledgement
6:00      1.2 Quorum
6:05      1.3 Roundtable Introductions

2. Consent agenda matters*
6:15      2.1     Previous Minutes

3. Continuous Learning
6:20      3.1.1 Cross-Cutting Theme Definitions: Climate Emergency
Presentation from Matt Horne, Climate Policy Manager, City of Vancouver

6:40      3.1.2 Cross-Cutting Theme Definitions: Climate Emergency

Q&A period

7:30      3.2 Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonzalez
  • Megan Herod/Katelyn Ling (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward/Sarah Carten (SP Staff)

7:45      3.3 Working Group Updates

  • Food Cultivation & UbAg
  • Development/Retail
  • Food Waste
  • Children & Youth
  • Leadership Team

8:00      3.4 Eat Think Vote Town Hall update

4. Matters Requiring Discussion
8:05      4.1 Position & Call to Action

  • Global Climate Strike
  • Community Gardens (class 8 conversion)
  • BC Gov Food Security Consultation (online)
  • Other Business

8:30      Adjourn  Meeting

September Agenda

Date: September 12, 2019

Time: 6-8:30pm

Location: Town Hall Room 110

Co-chairs: Martina Marsic & Jesse Veenstra

Time           Agenda item

6:00            1. Welcome/Call to order

6:00            1.1 Land Acknowledgement
6:00            1.2 Quorum
6:05            1.3 Roundtable introductions

  1. Consent agenda matters*

6:15            2.1 Previous Minutes
6:17            2.2   Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonazlez
  • Megan Herod/Katelyn Ling (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward/Sarah Carten (SP staff)
  • Chair update on external liaison members

6:35        2.3 Working Group Updates

  • Food Cultivation & urban agriculture
  • Development/preserving diverse food retail
  • Food Waste
  • Children & youth
  • Leadership Team
  1. Matters requiring discussion*

6:50      3.1 Cross-cutting Theme Definitions

  • Reconciliation
  • Food Justice
  • Climate Emergency

7:05            3.2 Working Group Project Planning

7:20            BREAK
7:35            3.3 Continuous learning at VFPC meetings: process & guidelines
8:00           3.4 Six Primrose Film Screening
8:15            3.5 Motion Archive
8:25            3.6 Bread Basket
8:30            4. Adjourn Meeting

August 2019 Agenda

Date: August 15th, 2019

Time: 6-8:30pm

Location: Town Hall Room at Vancouver City Hall (for after hours entry to City Hall, use the entrance on the south side of the building. Security staff will open the door for you)

(interim) Co-chairs: Marc Schutzbank & Darlene Seto (this session only)


Time   Agenda item

6:00    1.     Call to order

6:00    1.1 Land Acknowledgement

6:00    1.2 Quorum

  1.     Consent agenda matters

6:05    2.1     Previous Minutes

2.2 Liaison Reports

6:07    2.2.1 CoV Councilor Liaisons

6:17    2.2.3 Park Board Liaisons

6:22    2.2.3 VSB Liaison

6:27    2.2.4 Social Policy Staff Liaison

  1.     Matters requiring discussion

6:45    3.1 Liaisons

6:55    3.2 UBCM Resolution

7:10    BREAK

7:20    3.3 Working Group Conversations

7:45    3.4 Working Group Break Outs

8:30    4. Adjourn Board Meeting

Vancouver Proclaims March 1, 2018 as “Great Big Crunch for Healthy School Food Day”

We are thrilled to share the City of Vancouver’s proclamation of March 1, 2018 as “Great Big Crunch for Healthy School Food Day” in Vancouver!

Councillor Adriane Carr, on behalf of the Mayor of Vancouver Gregor Robertson, presented the proclamation to the Children and Youth working group and the Vancouver Food Policy Council.

To learn more about the #GreatBigCrunch, visit the Coalition for Healthy School Food, and Food Share.


Whereas the City of Vancouver is dedicated to supporting a just and sustainable food system;

And Whereas the Vancouver Food Policy Council is a member of the national Coalition for Healthy School Food;

And Whereas Canada remains one of the only Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations without a federally supported school meal program which has been called for by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food;

And Whereas a recent UNICEF report ranked Canada 37 of 41 high income countries around the provision of healthy food to children;

And Whereas school food programs are one tool for addressing childhood hunger at school;

And Whereas school food programs and have been proven to increase scholastic success across socio-economic classes and increase children’s consumption of vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods, and decrease the consumption of unhealthy ones;

And Whereas: The Great Big Crunch is a key initiative of the Coalition for Healthy School Food that celebrates healthy food for all children and youth across Canada;

Therefore be it resolved: I, Gregor Robertson, Mayor of the City of Vancouver, and City Council DO HEREBY PROCLAIM that the day of March 1, 2018 as


February 28, 2018 agenda

1 Homelands acknowledgement and introductions 10 min 6:00-6:10
“We acknowledge that we are on the unceded homelands of the ʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations and we give thanks for their generosity and hospitality on these lands”
2 Approve minutes from January meeting 5 min 6:10-6:15
3 Leadership Update 10 min 6:15-6:25
4 Liaison Updates 15 min 6:25-6:40
●     City Councillors – Adriane Carr & Heather Deal
●     Parks Board Commissioner – Michael Wiebe
●     Parks Board Staff – Rebecca Till
●     VSB Trustee – Joy Alexander
●     City Staff – Sarah Carten
●     Metro Vancouver – Jaspal Marwah
●     Vancouver Coastal Health – Claire Gram
●     Ministry of Agriculture – Lindsay Bisschop
5 VFPC Updates 25 min 6:40-7:05
●     Reconciliation Training
●     Park Board Local Food Action / Capital Plan
●     All Our Father’s Relations film screening
●     Great Big Crunch
6 Slack Demonstration / Training 15 min 7:05-7:20
  Break 10 min 7:20-7:30
7 Introduction of Food Justice and the Buffer Zone 10 min 7:30-7:40
8 Strategic Planning – 2018 Key Priorities 30 min 7:40-8:10
  ●     Reconciliation / Decolonizing the Vancouver Food System
●     Membership Structure & VFPC post 2018 Election
●     Food on the Election Table
9 Strategic Planning – 2018 Map the Meetings 10 min 8:10-8:20
10 Bread Basket
●     Food Tank Policy Summit draw
●     Endorsement Policy Review
10 min 8:20-8:30
11 Motion to adjourn   8:30

January 31, 2018 agenda

1 Homelands acknowledgement and introductions 10 min 6:00-10
We acknowledge that we are meeting on the unceded homelands of the ʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), swx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and mi ce:p kʷətxʷiləm (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations and we give thanks for their generosity and hospitality on these lands.


  • VFPC members and liaisons first
  • Then invite audience
2 Approve minutes from October meeting 5 min 6:10-15
3 Introducing Incoming Liaisons 5 min 6:15-20
4 Liaison Updates 15 min 6:20-35
  • City Councillors – Adriane Carr & Heather Deal
  • Parks Board Commissioner – Michael Wiebe
  • Parks Board Staff – Rebecca Till & Megan Herod
  • Vancouver Coastal Health – Claire Gram
  • Youth Food Policy Council – Crecien Bencio
5 City Staff Liaison Update: Redefining Food Assets (10 mins) 6:35-45
·         Background (Sarah Carten)

Identify interested members for further involvement

6 Children and Youth Working Group Update 15 min 6:45-7:00
  • Working group update
  • Motion on the Big Crunch
7 Reconciliation Training Planning Update 30 min 7:00-7:30
  • Update and decision making regarding All Our Father’s Relations film screening, and two reconciliation training sessions for VFPC members and liaisons
BREAK 10 min 7:30-40
8 Priorities for 2018 and Organizing without Co-Chairs 40 min 7:45-8:25
  • Recap of major outcomes from November/December discussions:
    • Shared leadership model rather than co-chairs in 2018
    • Suggested priorities for 2018: reconciliation, food on the municipal election agenda, VFPC post-election, connecting with other advisory committees, and any working group priorities
    • Proposed new communication method through Slack
  • Discussion
  • Goal of discussion (at minimum): identify leaders for February meeting including coordination and chairing
9 Bread Basket

  • School board liaison
5 min 8:25-30
10 Motion to adjourn 8:30


October Meeting Agenda

1 Homelands acknowledgement and introductions 10 min 6:00-6:10
“We acknowledge that we are on the unceded homelands of the ʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations and we give thanks for their generosity and hospitality on these lands”
2 Approve minutes from September meeting 5 min 6:10-6:15
3 Liaison Updates 20 min 6:15-6:35
●     City Councillors – Adriane Carr & Heather Deal
●     Parks Board Commissioner – Michael Wiebe
●     Parks Board Staff – Rebecca Till
●     City Staff – James O’Neill & Sarah Carten
●     Metro Vancouver – Theresa Duynstee
●     Vancouver Coastal Health – Claire Gram
●     Ministry of Agriculture – Emma Holmes
●     Youth Food Policy Council – Crecien Bencio
●     Special Representative – Janet Fraser
4 Working Group Updates 15 min 6:35-6:50
●     Cross-Working Group Leaders Bi-Monthly Meeting
●     Children and Youth
●     Development
●     Food Justice
●     Urban Farming
●     Waste
5 Wild Salmon Caravan Vancouver Feast Report Back 10 min 6:50-7:00
  Break 10 min 7:00-7:10
6 VanPlay: Parks Board Master Planning Process | Katherine Howard and Megan Herod 30 min 7:10-7:40
7 City of Vancouver Single-Use Items Reduction Strategy | Waste Working Group 20 min 7:40-8:00
  ●     http://vancouver.ca/green-vancouver/single-use-items.aspx
●     http://council.vancouver.ca/20170627/documents/rr1b.pdf
●     http://vancouver.ca/files/cov/single-use-consultation-paper-9-12-2017.pdf
8 VFPC Truth and Reconciliation training and public engagement funding request 10 min 8:00-8:10
9 2017-2018 VFPC Work Plan Update 10 min 8:10-8:20
10 Bread Basket
●     Co-chair transition
●     Council of Councils Meeting
●     Agenda setting
10 min 8:20-8:30
11 Motion to adjourn   8:30

Wild Salmon Caravan 2017

For thousands of years, the wild salmon have been our most important Indigenous food, and cultural and ecological keystone species in BC. They are an indicator of the health and integrity of the Indigenous land and food system on which the health and functioning of the entire agri-food system is based. They feed the entire Pacific Temperate Rainforest as well as many species including the bears, the wolves, the eagles, and our families and communities.

We invite everyone to come out in colourful and creative expressions of love for wild salmon in parades, banners, posters, music, storytelling, regalia etc.

Wild salmon hear our songs!

Celebrate the spirit of wild salmon!

Transform the darkness surrounding the industrial storm that is killing wild salmon.

Swim with us! Get involved in the #WSC2017.