We are excited to announce in place of our normal meeting on October 16, World Food Day, we will be hosting an event, Good Food for All: Exploring how the right to food can shape our policies and organizations, from 6:00-8:30pm at the Roundhouse as part of the Sustenance Festival. The event is free but spots will go fast so go here to register quickly so that you won’t miss out!
The event will explore how we can work together towards a transition to a food system based on the right to food. Presentations and dicsussion will focus on how public policy and community-based food organizations can contribute to a more just and sustainable food system. Here is a bit of a teaser below.
MC – Richard Wolak, Vancouver Foodster
“The New Veg in Town” by the DTES Kitchen Tables Project Outreach Team
Presentations from Thought Leaders
Nick Saul, Community Food Centres of Canada
Aart Schuurman-Hess, Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society
Doris Chow, DTES Kitchen Tables Project and Anna Cavouras, DTES Neighbourhood House
Victoria Bull and Fraser Stuart, Raise the Rates Campaign
Towards Change: Breakout Groups and Discussion
*** In keeping that October 16 is also the first day of the Welfare Food Challenge, an event to highlight the inadequacy of welfare rates in BC, some very simple food (think peanut butter sandwiches or something of the like) will be served. ***