Special April Meeting: Celebrate Food With Us!

Come Celebrate Food with Us on Wed. April 13th!

In place of our regular meeting this April, the Vancouver Food Policy Council and the City of Vancouver Food Policy team are pleased to co-host a Celebration of Food Policy in the City.

 Wednesday, April 13th | 6-8:30pm
City Hall – Town Hall room | All Welcome

As part of the evening, a panel of speakers will help visualize the impact of Vancouver’s Food Strategy.


  • Sarb Mund – Founder and Owner of Commissary Connect
  • Patrick Chau – Solid Waste, City of Vancouver
  • Aart Schuurman Hess – CEO of the Greater Vancouver Food Bank
  • Lauren Brown – Strathcona Community Centre Food Security Program and Neighbourhood Food Network


  • Trish Kelly, Community Food Hub Director of Greater Vancouver Food Bank, and past member and Co-chair of the Food Policy Council

The evening will also celebrate and recognize 5 champions in the food movement in Vancouver, each nominated for their work impacting one of the Food Strategy goals. If you haven’t already done so, nominate someone for the Golden Carrot Award (deadline March 21st).

Please share this invitation with other key food policy influencers and in particular, any past VFPC members.

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