April 8, 2021 | 6pm – 8:30pm
Online on Zoom, pre-registration required at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpc-isrTkpHddH6OA1vY6wvK6i-e56VCYq
Everyone is welcome!
Join us for a special session to learn about the progress of the Vancouver Park Board Local Food Action Plan (LFAP) Update and provide input. At this special session hosted by the VFPC, the Park Board’s LFAP Update team will share preliminary findings from our research, assessment, and engagement process so far. We will then host breakout groups for members of the public and VFPC members to discuss proposed goals for the plan with the LFAP team. In preparation for the session, we recommend reviewing the background below and the current LFAP.
Background: In 2013, the Vancouver Park Board adopted a Local Food Action Plan (LFAP) to enhance the local food landscape. This plan was guided by 5 goals and 55 actions. Many of the actions were achieved within the 5-year timeframe of the LFAP. However, so much has changed since the approval of the LFAP. We are now embarking on a process to update the LFAP to reflect the current food landscape and future needs with an emphasis on:
- Increasing and/or enhancing food assets and services
- Building resilience to mitigate the effects of a changing climate
- Allocating resources and reduce barriers to currently underserved populations
- Decolonizing the local food system to support indigenous food systems, food sovereignty, foraging practices, and food asset rich parks and natural areas
- Addressing gaps and opportunities highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic including building community resilience to crisis, and to support the subsequent recovery process