About VFPC Meetings
The VFPC meets monthly, alternating between Working Sessions and Regular Meetings
- Regular Meetings are a great opportunity for the public to attend as observers, learn about food policy work happening at the City, and meet other residents involved with the local food system! We highly encourage members of the public to attend. Regular Meetings require quorum of VFPC members, are clerked by a City clerk for the public record, and formal motions may be passed.
- For Regular Meetings convened at City Hall: due to the meetings being after working hours, access to City Hall is restricted and access is typically only available through the main doors on the south side of the building (facing 12th avenue).
- For Regular Meetings convened online, we use the Webex platform. Similar to a webinar, observers will not have access to the mic or camera functions. Chat functions are available to interact with/ask questions of the committee members.
- Working Sessions are informal meetings not open to the public unless otherwise noted on the City of Vancouver website (see below).
Minutes from past VFPC meetings are posted online at City of Vancouver webpage.
Meeting Notifications
The best way to find out about the meeting schedule is to check the City webpage. We also send a newsletter out a few days before each public meeting – join our mailing list here.
Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Please refer to the City of Vancouver webpage for most up to date information about the meeting schedule, including agendas, location, and online login information in the case of hybrid or online meetings. All meetings take place from 5:30-7:30pm.
The anticipated meeting schedule for 2023 is as follows:
Date | Meeting Type |
June 1, 2023 | Working Session – not open to the public. New term orientation and meet & greet. |
June 22, 2023 | Working Session with Staff – details to be confirmed. |
July 27, 2023 | Regular Meeting – open to the public |
Sept. 28, 2023 | Regular Meeting – open to the public |
Nov. 2, 2023 | Working Session – not open to the public |
Nov. 30, 2023 | Regular Meeting – open to the public |