May 23, 2018 Agenda

1 Homelands acknowledgement and introductions 10 min 6:00-6:10
“We acknowledge that we are on the unceded homelands of the ʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations and we give thanks for their generosity and hospitality on these lands”
2 Approve minutes from April meeting 5 min 6:10-6:15
3 Liaison Updates 15 min 6:15-6:30
  • City Councillors – Adriane Carr & Heather Deal
  • Parks Board Commissioner – Michael Wiebe
  • Parks Board Staff – Megan Herod
  • VSB Trustee – Joy Alexander
  • City Staff – Sarah Carten
  • Vancouver Coastal Health – Claire Gram
  • Ministry of Agriculture – Lindsay Bisschop
4 Working Group Updates 10 min 6:30-6:40
  • Election Priority
5 Letter of Support (motion) 5 min 6:40-6:45
  • Request to co-sponsor event with Graham Riches & Andy Fisher ‘Domestic Hunger in the USA and Canada. Towards Food and Social Justice’ as a part of the Vancouver Food Summit on October 2nd
6 All Our Father’s Relations Film Screening Update 10 min 6:45-6:55
  • Screening & Panel discussion May 31st at Science World
7 Escobar Discussion 10 min 6:55-7:05
8 Break 10 min 7:05-7:15
9 Establishing Working Groups for 2018 Priorities 5 min 7:15-7:20
  • Reconciliation Priority
  • Membership / Future of VFPC Priority
  • Election Priority
10 City of Vancouver Redefining Food Assets Workshop 45 min 7:20-8:05
11 Toronto Food Policy Insights 20 min 8:05-8:25
12 Bread Basket 5 min 8:25-8:30
13 Motion to adjourn   8:30