Co-Chairs: Kimberley Hodgson and Caitlin Dorward
- Homelands acknowledgement and acknowledgement of National Aboriginal Day (6:00-15)
- Approval of May 2017 meeting minutes (6:15-20)
- Working Group Update: Children & Youth Food WG
● Motion on a National School Food Program (6:20-35) - VFPC Priorities for “A Food Policy for Canada” Summit (6:35-7:20)
Background: Caitlin and Kim will be representing the VFPC at a June 22-23 Summit being held by the federal gov’t to gather input on the development of “A Food Policy for Canada”. Specifically, they are consulting on the themes of
- Increasing access to affordable food;
- Improving health and food safety;
- Conserving our soil, water, and air; and,
- Growing more high-quality food.
The goal of this working session is to articulate the VFPC’s policy priorities related to these themes (and beyond), and priorities related to the implementation/administration of the Food Policy for Canada, for Caitlin and Kim to represent at the summit.
● Overview and explanation of session (5 minutes)
● Small Group Discussion in four thematic breakout groups (40 minutes)
○ Part A: What are our priorities related to the theme? How do these priorities align with the Gov’t’s priorities?
○ Part B: What priorities don’t fit? What’s missing?
Break (7:20-30)
4. (continuation from before break (7:30-8:20)
● Large Group Discussion
○ Part A: small group note takers report back (5 mins each)
○ Part B: discussion (15 mins)
● Recap & Confirm (10 mins)
5. Bread Basket (8:20-30)
6. Motion to Adjourn and move to social gathering 8:30