Save the date! The next VFPC meeting is January 7, 2021.
Event password: VFPC
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1-855-699-3239 (Canada – toll free)
Access code: 146 067 0818
6:00 – 6:10 pm
- Confirming quorum
- Welcome and land acknowledgement
- Reminders re: online meeting format and etiquette
- Introductions
Leave of Absence Requests
Approval of Minutes – November
6:15 – 6:30pm
1. Liaison updates
- Councillor Bligh
- Councillor Wiebe
- Commissioner Dumont
- Trustee Gonzalez
- Rebecca Till (Park Board staff)
- Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
- Caitlin Dorward (Social Policy staff)
6:30 – 6:45 pm
2. Working group updates
- Leadership Team (including updates on meeting schedule/plan to May 2021)
- February = No Meeting
- March = informal meeting on LFAP (open to the public, no minutes, no quorum needed)
- Agenda: LFAP engagement, TBD based on January session and input from members/working groups
- Proposed date: March 4th
- April = Formal Meeting:April 1st
- Food Waste
- Food Cultivation & Urban Agriculture
- Children & Youth
- Development/Retail
- Community Food Programming
6:45 – 7:00 pm
3. Letter of support for the DTES Food Hub
- This request comes from Jill and Sam from the DTES Indigenized Food Sovereignty Co-op who came to speak to the VFPC earlier this
- A collective under the name of the DTES Indigenized Food Sovereignty Co-op is working together to develop a food hub in the DTES to “build a shared food storage and processing facility to ensure a secure stream of healthy, culturally-appropriate food for a coalition of DTES frontline agencies”
- At the meeting we will discuss the letter and look for a motion to approve the letter to send to council and the funder(s)
7:00 – 7:15 pm
4. Vancouver Food Policy Council – Report of Activities 2019-2020
This is a DRAFT report of activities that will go back to council and will inform our priorities for the rest of our session, as well as help inform the next session. Please review this document, add comments, questions, thoughts, additions, We will discuss, and then will be looking for a motion to accept the report of activities.
- hlSJ25/edit#
7:25 – 8:25 pm
5. Vancouver Social Infrastructure Presentation
- What is social infrastructure? It refers to facilities and services that are usually run by nonprofits that help individuals, families, and community groups meet their social needs, and enhance community well-being. Examples include: neighbourhood houses, family places, youth centres, seniors’ centres, informal gathering spaces, indigenous healing and wellness centres, and diverse social and community serving spaces for drop-ins, resources or referrals. As part the strategy’s work to date, the City have engaged with various stakeholders, including social nonprofits, places of worship, and City Advisory Committees.
- Your feedback will help refine the scope of the actions so that they are relevant, impactful and intentional in addressing the space needs and gaps for social-serving spaces. The final strategy report is tentatively set to go to Vancouver City Council for approval early
8:25 – 8:30 pm
6. Close/Bread Basket
Next Meeting: March 4th – Informal