Imagine when you were a child and thought that the Chocolate Room from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory be where you would spend the rest of your adolescent life. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Now imagine the street you walk home to filled with lush strawberries, crunchy peas, fresh herbs and perfect greens. That would be nice as well!
Though the City of Vancouver is far from recreating a street filled with chocolate, it has jumped on board with the idea of introducing Boulevard Gardens, in their aim to become the greenest city in the world by 2020. The boulevard is the area between the street curb and the sidewalk that is typically planted with grass. Now the city is encouraging residents to transform the boulevard adjacent to their homes into a garden of your own!
While there is a list of plants that is suggested, it would be neat to see more food growing on city boulevards.
There are some guidelines, that can be found here, that will support yourself and make sure that the garden thrives in the city!
– Lihwen Hsu, VFPC working group