This Friday, in honour of World Soil Day and to finish off celebrations of the 2015 UN International Year of Soils, we are pleased to bring you the Vancouver Soil Celebration at City Hall. Please join us for a free soils tour around City Hall. Andrea Reimer, Deputy Mayor, will read the Vancouver Soil Day Proclamation.
The event is presented in partnership by City of Vancouver, UBC Botanical Garden, Society Promoting Environmental Conservation and the Vancouver Food Policy Council.
What: Free tour and reading of Vancouver Soil Proclamation
When: Friday Dec 4th – World Soil Day
Time: 12 – 1 pm
Where: City Hall (453 West 12th) **meet at the community garden on the North Side of City Hall
Who: YOU! and Andrea Reimer, Deputy Mayor; Dr. Tara Moreau (VFPC Co-Chair); and Dr. Art Bomke